Travelling to Australia in November Alone!!

Hey Guys

Where you heading to first?

I land in Melbourne on 8th November..


Im wondering the same as Molly. Im planning on doing a road trip along the whole west coast (Perth to Darwin) with a start around the beginning of November (between the 1st and 3rd) and Im looking for travel buddies


Aah great stuff. I'm finishing work Oct 31st so will definatley be heading out first week in November. Was thinking Melbourne, but deifnatley want to be in Sydney for NYE!

What are your plans Mollie?

You both out there for a year?

Hi Alicia

I arrive in Sydney on the 29th November for a year travelling around. I'll be on my own too so good to know there are others like me!


Travelling to Australia in November Alone!!

Travelling to Australia in November Alone!!

Travelling to Australia in November Alone!!

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