Hi all,
12 to 27 means ~15 (13 full) days and you mention one large diverse city (Barcelona) and a whole country (Italy). You have no time for in between and it is not easy to compare apples with pears either.
Thanks Mariha2912. I'm aware that Barcelona is vast and that Italy is a whole country I'd not wanted to see every square inch and as with all places they are diverse within their own right. Plenty of people go for city breaks for two or three days at a time therefore I'm quite sure there will be time for some in between since I have two weeks. Albeit I won't be having the full experience of one place but it's kind of the point of what I want to do and I had asked about places to consider since I realise Europe is a whole continent too. Thanks.
It is OK to make plans like that and there is nothing impossible. You can go to Barcelona for 2-3 days and then head to Italy. In Italy there are different places you can visit depending on your preferences. Personnaly, I would recommend you to visit Tuscany - it is a very known and popular, but still really beautiful region in Italy. You can go to Florence - see a beautiful city full of gorgeous art and architecture - and see Italian countryside and visit places like Pisa, San Marino ( there are a lot of other places as well, those are just some examples). I think that would be the best option for you as you would see both an Italian city spand countryside (real Italian life). Obviously going to Rome would be an option, but then again - where would you go after Rome? And id you just visited Rome and Barcelona - two big cities, ok, you would have 6 days for both, but still I don't think it is a good option.
Have you seen Paris yet? I got to a few years back and was really blown away by the city. I didn't even want to make the trip in the first place! If you're going to Barcelona I would just try to find neat things to do around there. I've never been there so not much help, but I was thinking you might enjoy the time more if you didn't have to constantly travel and instead took some time to enjoy one new culture.
Now that's more like it
Thanks, the great thing about all this is that I'm open to different ideas and flexible on time to spend in each place. I've been to Rome previously so it's not important to go back and I'd not want more than a couple of days there if I did because it'd drive me crazy. I like the suggestion of Tuscany and heard a lot of nice things about it and I'm very interested in seeing Florence; probably more so than Tuscany just because I don't think my sister would appreciate it the same.
Jonell, I like your idea about Paris. I've literally seen the airport before and never really entertained the idea of seeing much more until my brother went recently and loved it so it's definitely an option. I do want to enjoy my time so I understand what you're saying about constantly traveling but I do want to see a few different places.
Thanks for the advice.

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