I'm starting a new blog under my login, but when my friend goes in to it, the photos from my first blog appear in the side bar. I want to only have the photos that apply to my new trip blog to be seen. How do I do this? Do I have to create a new login & start again?
The photos in the sidebar indeed aren't blog-specific, but account-specific. They're only meant as an entrance point to "see what else this user is doing here on travellerspoint".
For a solution, probably easiest would be to just set the sidebar to not display photos at all (on the settings page of your blog management area), and embed any photos relevant to the trip in the blog entries themselves. (Likewise, your old blog will start displaying photos from this trip in its sidebar when you upload them, as it's always the newest photos from the account being shown. Actually, at that point you could just have your sidebar display photos again, and would only have to disable sidebar photo display on the old blog.)
[ 13-Aug-2013, at 01:27 by Sander ]
Thanks for clearing that up. It doesn't make sense though, to have photos from another blog - it would just be confusing to anyone trying to match pics with text. It's not just the sidebar that's the issue, but the gallery should match the blog. Anyway, I've created a new login so I can keep them separate. Perhaps you guys could look at fixing this.
Other than this (& the fact that pics don't match the text in the blog anyway because of the date thing), Travellerspoint is a great site!
I think the main disconnect comes from the concept of a "trip-centric" blog. When the blogs were set up, blogs as a medium were primarily "person-centric". And most people still post all their travels on one and the same blog; a continuing update of everywhere they go.
Multiple blogs per person were mostly created to allow collaborative blogs for groups of people travelling together, and we never really envisioned that (some) people would use that to start a new blog for each and every trip. I hear what you're saying about the things which don't make sense from that way of looking at the blogs, but it's very hard (impossible?) to have a user interface which fits perfectly with both ways of thinking, especially since all other features on travellerspoint are person-centric. (Forum activity, private messaging, accommodation bookings, etc - they're all tied to a person, not to a trip. For many people here on the site, the blogs are not even their main focus.)
Anyway, that's just to give some context. I suspect the admins are listening very carefully to this feedback, and plotting ways to make it all feel more natural and integrated. Here's to hoping they'll have some brilliant ideas to make it more like what you expect, without hampering those who want it the current way.
Thanks for the clarification. It would be great if the admins could sort this out - perhaps provide the two options for people.

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