bethdassoulas has indicated that this thread is about Buying Travel Insurance
I am just researching the same thing, I'm doing the same thing but hoping to leave late Sept/Oct (flights to be booked).
I spoke to a Kiwi friend of mine and she said that he British boyfriend booked his travel insurance just for the flight and then purchased a medi card or something which has got me thinking about whether I need travel insurance of the regular nature?
I also found whilst researching that there is difficulty in buying insurance when I don't have a return date - something I don't think I want to commit to if I am going to change plans (2nd year or shorten etc).
What have you found?
Eleanor x
Where are you planning to visit? On a WHV?
I think you still need travel insurance but will definitely look into Medicare; I think we get it because of the NHS?
Yeah! When I've been looking I've put 1 year and then will just add more on as the year is up?
Have you tried the sites like confused and money supermarket?
Also, are you getting a credit card? I've never had one but might have to get one for emergencies? Ideas?
Beth x
Planning on booking my flight tomorrow and aiming for end Sept/beg. of Oct... Getting a little panicked now, had my WHV for a while and need to get gone! What about you?
Yes, she said something about the NHS - I met her in the UK and she said she was covered by NHS some how as she was from NZ.
I only looked into a couple of insurance places so may I need to look into it further, have you bought yours already?
I don't have a credit card and wouldn't even know where to start!! I don't think I will get one - temptation too high!
Eleanor x
How exciting!! where is your flight to? How much money are you hoping to have saved if you don't mind me asking?
Ok, will have to look into it for sure!
No I haven't yet.. I've still got so much to do and only 12 weeks to go!!
I agree.. I really don't want one and can't make a decision as to whether its for the best or not..
Who are you flying with etc?
Beth x
Everyone says how expensive it is and then there is the requirement to have a certain amount of money upon entry so bearing this in mind, I have saved quite a bit - though I am hoping to find work and be able to just use my savings to travel if I can earn enough to live off.
Flights wise, I am waiting on a friend to let me know if they are travelling out or not - though we aren't travelling together once in Oz, just nice to have some company! So I have looked at the different companies to fly with and Air India seems really cheap - maybe too cheap? Has anyone you know flown with them?
I handed in my notice last week and am looking about 6 weeks til I go... Scared!
Eleanor x
I'm flying to Sydney on a WHV next week and brought my travel insurance today from essential travel... I paid £143 for the esstential backpackers insurance for a year. I called them they said you can extend this (if I decide to stay on, travel somewhere else) if you notify them a month in advance before the insurance expires.
I will also be getting a medicard card when I arrive.
Hope this helps this was the best company I found, the rest were super expensive.
Laura x
Laura you are amazing!
Thanks so much I will have to look into it.
How much money do you have to take with you? I'm worried that I won't have enough!
How long are you planning on being there? Bet you can't wait.. it's so soon!
Beth x
No worries I was looking for a cheapish policy for ages.
I have enough to last me around 6 months hopefully...then will need to get a job.
I plan on being in Oz for around a year but go to New Zealand, Indonesia etc whilst there. Yep very soon getting nervous now!.
Where do you fly to?
Laura x

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