Just booked a one way flight to Melbourne on the 10th of january!!!
is anyone going to be there at the same time!?!
shit I meant 2014!!
i am thinking of going around this time! are you going for a working holiday??
Hey! Yes I am for roughly around 6/7 months!
I still need to book hostels and stuff for when I get there I just have flights atm!
Are you thinking of starting in Melbourne aswell?
Hey girls!
I'm landing in Melbourne on the 2nd of January! I plan on staying for a month but to be honest I can't stop thinking about going for the year! I just need that extra push! Are ye worried about getting jobs at all?!
If you need help with anything, do not hesitate to ask me for advice! As I live in Melbourne.
yeah you never know you might decide to stay longer!
I'm a little worried, but from what i hear its not too hard to get jobs, so fingers crossed its alright!
jobs- It depends most off all on your country of origin and on your passport and visas, as most of the places in melbourne hire legally!
Yeah should be okay I suppose. Have you hospitality experience? 'Cause I haven't and so I feel like that's cancelling out a lot of opportunities!
Where are you flying from? im also flying to HongKong on the 10th from Heathrow London then onto melbourne a week later!!
So exciting!!

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