Hey guys!
well im not going to lie i am bricking it....I leave for a WHV in sydney in 5 days! eek..... starting to panic about money and packing now, hehe all the practicalities come to a head this close and the nerves kick in.
I am staying in billabong gardens....a lovely little hostel in newtown.
Anyone flying out at the same time, i am doing it alone (like most) but be nice to go for a beer when i get there...I have a few friends out there but they already have their own lifes and i want to make my own way and my own experience when i get there!
Hey RedSquirrel! i arrive in Sydney on sunday for my australian stop of my rwt. Im really nervous but so excited about the trip. i keep thinking that i should pack more but all the tips i've read says to pack less. Would love to have a beer if we get a chance

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