I can't seem to upload my trip details on the map (places I've been, and also the dates). Everytime I hit "save", an error message comes up.
Hi Chi, I can't seem to replicate this myself. What browser and version are you using? Is there any text in the error message that might be of help to us?
Hey, I'm using Safari v5.0.5 on a Mac.
The text error message says "There has been an error saving your data, please try again".
If I click the "autosave" function, the error message just keeps coming up. When I un-click the "autosave" function, then it'll just pop up whenever I hit save.
I've tried this a few times and on separate occasions.
Hi the same thing is happening to me same browser.
Same map problem here on Chrome and on IE.
But when it saves, an empty map with an unknown location is saved 10 times in a roll. :|
In my case, I already have a trip saved and can't continue it.
System tries to save, even if "autosave" is off and shows "There has been an error saving your data, please try again", but then I can't continue.
How to continue?!
Hey everyone, apologies for the delay in replying. We have this logged in our bug tracking software and it's obviously affecting quite a few people, so becoming rather urgent. The person who did most of the map developments has been away this week though, but hopefully we'll get a fix up soon!
Hi everyone, we've done an update today which may (or may not) solve your problems. Specifically it addressed an issue with really long place names. This was a common problem for saving failing. We've put in place some better error-trapping as well, so we can actually get a clearer idea of what's going on. Hopefully this update resolves the majority of issues. And let us know if you notice any new kinds of bugs we might have introduced in the process
Thanks Peter!... Works now

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