Mosquito Repellent


Hi Nick, when I've previously gone travelling, the sprays containing deet were brilliant. Mosquito nets of course are a great idea.

Some people advise taking vitamin B supplements to avoid getting bitten. I tried this for a while but it definitely didn't work for me! It might differ from person to person.

I've never tried wrist bands but they sound like an easy everyday way to use fly repellent. If you're desperate to avoid being bitten, keep using the spray with deet in. Some clothing (like hiking trousers) actually advertises that it helps prevents bites too. Hope that helps!

Bull I have both and like 25 bites on my left leg.

If the bands and sprays don't work for you, try . It's advertised to be used for relief from muscular aches and pains. But the locals in Malaysia and Singapore also use it to relieve the itch from mosquito/insect bites and sometimes for headaches/dizziness (we have ointment which works better for this).

The balm works really well, and I noticed that it also repels mosquitoes from biting again at the general area where I applied the balm. In my own experiment/experience, whenever it's a 'mosquito season', applying the balm on the areas where I'm most likely to get bitten (the back of the hands, elbows, knees, ankles/feet) before I sleep do get me through the night without any bites. I simply apply a dab here and there on the areas I want protected and rub it over the area. Do try on a small area first before you decide to spread it across your body! (Just in case you're allergic to some properties used in the balm.) I think the balm's herbal and minty scent repels the mosquitoes.

You can get it in Boots (for those in the UK). It's also sold at pharmacies and convenience stores in South East Asia. It's so popular AirAsia sells it on some of its flights too -- at a premium price, as usual.

[ 22-May-2011, at 19:28 by Hien ]

Can anyone offer some advice.

To avoid mosquitoes when sleeping choose better places to sleep in! If you choose a hotel that has air conditioning, even a cheap hotel, you have fewer mosquitoes to contend with if any at all! Plus you won't have to use a mosquito net. With a room that has A/C you keep the windows shut, some hotels probably have a can of bug spray to kill any buggers flying around the toilet area - but the cold air and closed windows keeps most of the critters out!

If you choose cheap places with only fans for cooling you will probably have screens that allow bugs in! Maybe spending a few dollars more for a room with A/C would work out better in the long run.

Bull I have both and like 25 bites on my left leg.

Some people are more tasty to mosquitoes! You can often see a couple walking with the guy bug bite free and the woman covered with lots of bites. Maybe perfume or particular body washes attract them.

If you are particularly attractive to mosquitoes maybe wearing long pants, long sleeves and spray with deet would be helpful. Some people never use any deet or burning coils or Tiger Baum, personal electronic repellers, etc. and still rarely get bit.

Up to you!

I found citronella oil (or any citrus based oil/balm) very very good - in fact often better than the expensive deet sprays etc. Just smear a small amount across large exposed areas of skin (legs/arms) and it smells good, too!

And 'Tiger Balm' is very good for soothing any bites (especially the white one) you may get and readily available across Asia.

Some people swear that garlic works too! I think you would have to eat a lot of it over a long time for it to work.

When I am near a Korean who eats a lot of kimchi I can actually smell the garlic and spices from the kimchi on them. So, eat a lot of kimchi and be mosquito free - maybe!

The results of different repellents are anecdotal. All methods may not work for all people and different methods can have different results in different situations.

It's best not to rely on any given repellent. Keep your options open.

I'm not a big fan of deet because I hear its harmful to the skin. I also use the [snip], but they use citronella and other natural oils that are good for repelling mosquitos and are safe on the skin. I've also had good success with [snip]. They send out high frequency sound thats inaudible to humans, but deters mosquitos and other insects.

Mosquito Repellent

Mosquito Repellent

Mosquito Repellent

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