I lost a Nikon S570 black digital camera on the beach early sunday morning (between 5:30 and 7:00 a.m.) May 22, 2011. I don't care about the camera, keep it, I just really, really would like the priceless, not yet uploaded photos from my travels back. REWARD. please let me know if you have any information or would mind spreading the word to beach-combers on the barcelona beach one morning (they get there right as the sun rises to look for things people lost). photos are of budapest, prague, lake balaton in hungary, berlin (the east side gallery, the circus hostel, the memorial for the murdered jews of europe), and barcelona with my boyfriend (blonde with a sort of bowl cut, while i'm a short brunette with wavy hair). PLEASE, I know it's a long shot but I have a feeling the photos are still somewhere out there. Is there any sort of local newspaper/advertising flyers place in barcelona where I could ask that whoever found the camera upload the photos to ifoundyourcamera.net or camerafound.com?
Oh, that's incredibly sad!
Sounds like a great trip you had, and all the visuable memories are gone now.
I'm sorry to say but it probably would be a "mission impossible" to reach the person who has your photo's. (if he/she still has the photo's anyway)
The main daily newspapers here in Barcelona are El Periodico and La Vanguardia
But I think it will very expensive to put some sort of comment in it.
As Barcelona is a big city, I don't think there's much you can do...
I truely hope you will find your photo's and wish you all the luck!
You could try this:
Drag and drop a photo you have previously taken with the camera and it will look online for other photos bearing the same camera ID.
You may have to try it over a period of weeks or even months till someone posts photos from your camera.
Sorry to hear about your bad luck.
One thing that occurs to me is that the Barcelona beaches are cleaned at night (shortly before sunrise) by the city sanitation department.
Its a long shot but you could try contacting them via their website:
Its a long shot but you never know !
Yet another reminder to always download and back-up important data regularly...
Good luck.

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