Hello me and my girlfriend are planning on travelling to Australia in October and are currently working through the working holiday visa and slightly confused with 2 of the questions:
Question 11. "What type of employment do you intend to seek during your stay?"
We are planning on doing so farm work and then maybe admin/bar/supermarket jobs and maybe look into jobs in the roles we have qualified in uni to gain some experience in that area (Health and Social care and MEng Electronic Engineering). What should we put for this question?
Question 32. "Do you hold health insurance to cover your stay in Australia?"
We have looked into health insurance but we aren't going to buy this until we get the visa granted, so which do we select?
Any help would be grateful, and if their are any other travellers heading out in October would be good to hear from you
Type of work doesn't really matter. I'd just write "farm, bar and office work" or something similar. I suspect they mostly use that question to compile some statistics, and maybe flag some out of the ordinary answers for further inspection.
If you plan on holding health insurance when travelling to Australia, I'd answer yes, since that's the intent of the question. (Having health insurance used to be an eligibility requirement for the visa, so the only acceptable answer was yes. Nowadays some countries have a (which doesn't cover everything, but still some things), so it's no longer a requirement, but of course if that applies, then the answer to the question is yes again.)
Question 11: Agriculture and Customer Services
(They just want to know if you are planning on being a doctor or a plumber. Any other job they don't really care about)
Question 32: Yes
(As Sander said they want to make sure you have it/intend to have it before they let you in their country)
I'm goin to Melbourne in October and heading up the East Coast. Timeline is variable jobs are variable, everything is variable. Love it!
Thanks for the advice guys will be applying for the visa tonight and then hope for the best. Once that's sorted it will be flights next, am looking around the 10th of October and depending which is cheapest heading to Brisbane (ideally as its cheaper and plan on going to Sydney for the new year) or Sydney.
What was the price you got for Melbourne?and how long do you plan on travelling for?we've looked at some prices and seeing around £700+ each and health insurance at bout £300 for the both of us.
Have heard of the Medicare card and will be one of the first things we get their
How's it going Andy!? I just came across your post there and seen that you and your girlfriend are venturing to Australia around October time.
I'm also heading out with my girlfriend on a WHV. We leave on the 17th of October and doing 2 wks in thailand before flying into Brisbane on the 1st of November. We're going to make our way down to Sydney pritty sharpish (probs within 2 wks) with the intensions of spending christmas and new year there then travelling up the east coast to Cairns. We booked our tickets (one way) with STA Travel and cost around £600 each so that could be worth looking into. We have also checked out travel insurance and to be honest haven't made a decision on which company to go with yet.
It's good to see another couple are doing the same thing. I've been looking through this forum now for the last 2 wks and it seems to be all single people travelling out. Whats your plans for when you's get there!? Are you's going to be working as well as travelling!?
Hey Rick am good thanks you?
Our plan is to head to Aus mid October, hopefully find a job and work till near christmas time then head down to Sydney for the (maybe christmas) new year (don't want to miss that!!) and see how it goes from their. Hear Sydney is expensive so depending on how much we earn to what we can do with Sydney for length of stay, and if we get a job in Sydney. Gona look into areas to visit and work round with work and seasons. Will be looking to buy a return flight but will need to call the airline to ensure we get a flexible return date as we've found some for around £700-800 returns. As far as health insurance we've found some for around £300 for the both of us. When your looking select couple as this makes its somewhat cheaper.
We've found the same, that the majority of people travelling are single, good to hear theirs another couple heading out their!!
Do you plan on working as you travel around?how long do you plan travelling for?
How much is the extra trip to Thailand costing?What's the plan when you get their?
Andy, I haven't had a chance to reply to you but I managed to get a ticket for £612 from Manchester to Melbourne with 2.5hr stop in Singapore think I got lucky with it though the next price up was 700+.
I'm getting a car as soon as I get there and then I'll be picking fruit until mid December to get the funds back up after the initial car expense. Hopefully make some money having a car in that area as the fruit picking season begins in November in Voctoria (around Melbourne).
Let me know if you decide to come down to Melbourne and I'll try and hook you up with some good locations for picking
Hey Ian, hows it going?whats the set date now then?have booked tickets now, return tickets (with furtherest date set as return) for £895 and we pay only the difference in price tickets when we change. Am thinking should cost a bit less for when returning (hopefully!!). We'll be flying on the 22nd, Manchester > Dubai (2 hour wait) > Brisbane (with stop over at Singapore) So excited now cant wait. Booked hostel for 10 nights, so gota sort everything out in that time (bank/tax/job)
Duno where we will end up as it all depends on work, but have been in-touch with the hostel and they said they have a file of jobs but they cant set you up until you arrive their.
Plan on having a day trip to the gold coast in the first few days of arriving. Try go to the skypoint and maybe climb to the top of the building
Found a good checklist online that we are working through. Got suitcase and backpack sorted now. Got a wheeled duffle, 70/80L. What you go for. Decided having a suitcase with a bit more space will make it easier for shifting between areas, since we'll end up buying souvenirs and help carry food if we have a long journey between areas.
We are now setting things we need to get done each day now to make sure it all gets done. You found any useful sites helping you plan your journey or sort things out? Just so we dont miss/forget anything.
[ 04-Oct-2012, at 03:55 by AndyJD ]
Drug Baron is a good answer. Shows you will be able to support yourself.

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