Anyone heading to brisbane in september??

Well,just wondering is anyone heading to brisbane in sept,ive just booked my flight and will arrive there on thursday the 13th..dont know anybody there and i guess im just wondering is anyone else in the same situation?or anyone know the best hostels to stay at etc??would be interested in meeting up with anyone that may be about for a drink when i get there,im 27 and from ireland by the way,thanks for any help...

Alrite Jim, how's things mate!? I'm also heading over in September with my girlfriend and flying into Brisbane after spending 2 wks in Thailand. We'll be arriving on the 1st. I see your from Ireland, what part!? I'm from Belfast myself so not too far away. I really can't wait to get away from this weather, the summer has been non existant so far. Have you any plans as what your going to be doing when you get over i.e work, travel etc. I think we're going to travel down to Sydney within our first wk of arriving and start from there. Hopefully find some work to as I don't want our funds completely drying up. The plan from there is to just work and travel up the east coast to Cairns. Also contimplating spending Christmas and new years in Sydney. From what I've read it's the place to be around that time of the year if your a backpacker. Hope to hear from you soon. Rick.

Hey rick,not bad atal now..yeah im from kilkenny myself and cant wait to get outta dis place now,ive no plans really only take it as it comes over there,wanna try get the regional work outta the way quick enough for the 2nd year visa though..are yee gonna be doing that or only over for 1 year,ill prob just stay in hostels around brisbane until i find my feet anyway and hopefully sum work with any luck...

Anyone heading to brisbane in september??

Anyone heading to brisbane in september??

Anyone heading to brisbane in september??

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