I need some idea.

Hello friends,
I am Zimi1 here.I need some travels basic idea like how we prefer a spot and that is suitable or not.when we plan for travel what are things we must take with us?

You will benefit from purchasing a travel guide on Thailand. Those travel guides will give you an idea of what to see and what cities to visit. Some travel guides give you hotel suggestions too. They also give you directions on how to get from one city to another.

For Thailand you can't go too wrong with a visit to Bangkok, Chiang Mai and a beach area. Thailand may be bigger than you think. If you are coming from a long distance like Europe or America try to stay at least 2 weeks.

When you come to Thailand affects the price of hotels and the weather you encounter. November - February will have the better weather but also the most expensive hotel rooms. Tourists show up every month of the year by the thousands but a few more during high season.

Spend the first couple days in Bangkok and a final night or two. The final night or two you can do some shopping if you want. Local travel agencies in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket and Pattaya can set you up with tours on short notice.

Plan a budget out ahead of time and then fit your holiday to what you can afford.

well, Buddy.
It all depends on your hobbies, you can visit Shanghai of China for your destination if you are modern guy, where you can not only appreciate the natural scenic spots and cultural relics, but also you can appreciate the folk customs there, including Shanghai Bund, Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, Shanghai Art Museum and -snip-

Well, it depends upon your choice. For example if you like beaches then you can go to the Maldives, Sri Lanka and if you like adventure of wild life then Africa is best place among all. After you choice then you can plan your tour with the help of a tour organizer.

What are your interest? Do you love the sun or would you like chilling out in the snow? It really depends what you like to find the perfect spot for you and your family.

Impt things to bring are the basics... Cash, credit card, passport/id's/ticket/visa/travel documents, swiss knife, sewing machine, meds/vitamins/first aid kit, camera, phone, mp3...

Good luck!

I need some idea.

I need some idea.

I need some idea.

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