Travelling to Thailand in Nov/Dec alone

I'm going to Thailand in late november/ early decemember (2012) , i'm female 20 years old and a little nervous about being on my own. I'm thinking of heading to Bangkok from London then a connecting flight to samuri then a boat to Koh Tao. If there is an easier way to do it please do tell me, although i am on a budget.

If you are on a budget, you can get a bus down to Chumphron from Bangkok and then the ferry over to Koh Tao for about £20. Departs about 9pm and arrives about 9am the next day if I remember correctly. That was with Lomprayah ferries. You'll see cheaper deals along the Ko San road but they are full of horror stories. This was a VIP coach (so, air con) then a modern catamaran thingy. Absolutely no stress at all :-)

If you fly into Samui then there are quite a few ferries leaving for Koh Tao everyday, takes a couple of hours.

Enjoy Koh Tao, it's my fav island in Thailand. You'll be spending a lot of time under the water :-)

Don't skip Bangkok. Bangkok will probably be cheaper than where you end up in anyway. Transportation is cheap in Bangkok and you can find hostels and hotels at reasonable prices. At least reasonable compared to the UK. If you intend to stay in really cheap places with fan only rooms try to get a room on the second floor so no one can crawl in your screened window. Screens do not offer much protection against break-ins. My preference is a room with A/C so you can keep the windows locked! Also these rooms are a little more quiet.

Even in Bangkok you have summer type weather. Good transportation from Bangkok. Don't travel to Thailand for less than 2 weeks. Get your money's worth on your expensive plane ticket. If you have a UK passport you can enter for 30 days for free with a Visa Exemption stamp in that passport. Longer than 30 days you will need a tourist visa you pay for.

Have a definite return date. There is a requirement for proof of onward travel. Round trip tickets are cheaper than two one way flights and provide proof of onward travel. Flying within Thailand is pretty cheap. Bus rides are also cheap. When riding on buses or trains keep your cash, jewelry, electronics and passport on your person or at least within sight. Do not put valuables in your checked in bag. Bus rides with the most problems are those booked from Khao San Road travel agencies. If you use a bus buy the tickets from a real bus station even if you do pay an extra dollar for the ride.

When women get in trouble often drinking too much alcohol is a factor. If you make friends with dopers you can get in trouble too. They may put their dope in your bags and you take the fall. Check your bags if your friends are suspect! If you have "guests" that you only just recently met stay over in your hotel room first lock up your valuables, money, purse, passport, cell phone, etc. Otherwise guest and valuables will be long gone after you come out of the toilet. Use the safety box at your hotel for valuables. Have suitcases and bags that you can lock up.

If you ask for hotel advice also include a price range. This means working up a budget and knowing how much you can afford for a room as well as other daily expenses. You fit the holiday to what you can afford! Late November and December is the most expensive time to be in Thailand. Even flights to Thailand can be higher at that time.

My advice is to not waste your entire holiday only at a beach area! See if you can fit in a visit to northern Thailand. Chiang Mai is popular with women tourists. When you return home your friends will ask you about Bangkok and even Chiang Mai before some little island in Thailand.

Spend the last night in Bangkok so you can do some final shopping and not rely on a connecting flight, bus or train show up late and you lose your flight!

I am also travelling to Thailand late November for three months alone.
I am 22 years old and am trying to put something together for an Itinerary. I would like to start off on one of the islands like Koh Samui for a week in a hostel to meet new people travel around and then for my last few nights go to Bangkok for the shopping markets.
I am interested in going I the Full Moon Party, relaxing on the beaches, elephant trekking, cooking classes. maybe we could meet up as can imagine it to be a bit daunting having never travelled alone x

Im going next year so ill get to learn what places to see from both of your travel experiences! do update when you get back. Hey i had heard of Phuket nightlife, but what is this Full Moon Party?

Happy journey in advance


I'm doing a contiki tour (Vietnam experience 15th December 2012) then off to Koh Samui on the 26th for a week My friend bailed on me though so will be in Koh Samui by my self, looking for somewhere to stay in Chaweng Beach where I can meet people, hang out, go to full moon parties and just have a good time! Anyone going to be there then? 23 from Melbourne


Hi Ghelen..thats so nice to see your post. Im also travelling solo the same we can plan it together and go around and lets save some cost if we can..u cn get in touch wt me on -snip-

[ , no personal details please. ]

Hi Ghelen

I am 22 yo male and I stay now in Singapore for an internship. I will travel trough SE Asia starting on the 09.12. Will be in Bangkok from the 13.12 to 17.12. Maybe we can meet there.
Nevertheless, I have also heard from collegues here that Bangkok is quite cheap.

Best regards


I've been to Thailand many times and all I can say is there are so many scammers out there. You've got to be smart and don't get caught up in some "lure" type scam, like "too good to be true" prices. Lots of pick pockets too and I thought I was so smart and they got me! The lady boys team up to steal from tourists. Good luck and you will have the time of your life!

Travelling to Thailand in Nov/Dec alone

Travelling to Thailand in Nov/Dec alone

Travelling to Thailand in Nov/Dec alone

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