off to australia january 2013 looking for buddies :)

Heya finally going traveling january 2013! Wooopy been wanting to do this for sooo long! Never done this before and looking to meet with fellow backpackers to share good times with :D have a 12month visa and am looking into oz intro? Has anybody done one? would really like to know how u got on or if u have any ideas or suggestions on oz/backpacking just let me know x

Hey there, I'm looking to start my traveling in Jan 2013 - want to visit Fiji and NZ first but would be looking to go onto Oz after this, so maybe mid Feb time. What are your plans? Are you looking to get work out there?

It's my first time traveling so would be awesome to find someone doing similar things as I am or even to meet up for a week or 2!

Chelsea x

Yep really wana do australia,new zealand and fiji.....flying into Sydney mid january and planning on doing the oz intro gona book my flights this wkend! Eeeek! Lol. Yep defo wana work out there! Earn some more dollar = more fun! Its my first time also and I'm sooo nervous but excited at the same time yeahhh deffo meet up! Have u booked anything yet?


Me and my boyfriend are looking to go Aussie early next year... around March on a working holiday visa.

Just starting to plan everything now, excited much :D

Have you got everything planned?



I will be landing into Sydney on the 29th December for NY but will be in Oz for 3 months after then , and although it wont be my first time it would be nice to know of some people who will be around at the same time!




I'm going to OZ on 18th Jan for about 3 weeks!! Never been travelling before and going alone!! Will hopefully go NZ after!
So excited!!


Hey Chrissie,

That's so exciting booking ur tickets, I have an appointment tomorrow with STA to get some ideas and prices and then will prob book in a couple week. Are you booking a one way ticket? Yeh makes sense to work out there if u can afford the time, I've only got 4/5 months off work so just traveling (saving extra hard atm tho!!) How long u thinking of spending in Oz?

Sophie, that's lovely that you're going with your boyfriend - I do wish I had someone to go with so that we could plan everything together as that's half the fun is organising it all!

Are you thinking of working over there Kate?

Sounds like there are so many people going over there, the more I talk to people the less nervous I get as realise there are so many other people in the same boat!!

Am thinking I'll book the first couple nights in hostels whenever I land somewhere but then after that I think I'll just go with the flow

Chels xx


i am going to aus around march 2013 i am going for a year to work and travel all around aus really.What are everyones plans when they get out there.


Hi everyone

im heading for brisbane mid jan time on a years working visa, im actually quite nervous about the whole travelling round oz alone! eeek! is there anybody else in the same boat, would love to chat to new travel buddies and what they have planned and maybe get to know some of you alot more and even meet up out there!!


Hey im planning on oz in january too. arriving on the 5th after leaving london on the 3rd!! Crazzzyyy... I only have 4 weeks so been advised to do a guided tour starting in sydney then travelling up to cairns stopping at whitsundays, frazer island, great barrier reef and a few more! so scary thinking about doing it alone isnt it,.,, where are you flighing from?


off to australia january 2013 looking for buddies :)

off to australia january 2013 looking for buddies :)

off to australia january 2013 looking for buddies :)

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