My cousin and I are traveling through Europe on our way back to Canada from Australia... Looking for some advice on itineraries and absolute must-see's in a short amount of time. So far what we have figured out is that we are landing in Athens, Greece on September 4th, and then making our way to Ibiza, Spain for September 16th-19th (birthday weekend). From there we have Eurail passes (Flexipass for 2 months-15 travel days) that we will use to travel through Spain, Italy, France, Germany and Netherlands. We have until around the first week of November (7thish) before we fly over to Ireland & Scotland. We would really like to also try to squeeze in 4 days at Oktoberfest but not sure if it makes sense to travel all the way from Barcelona to Germany and then start traveling around after that... Any tips or advice would be great, my friend suggested this would be a good place to start planning. Cheers!

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