
My blog was set up to automatically post to Facebook. It has been working just fine for 3 1/2 months and 2 days ago I got a message saying that there was a problem. Yesterday I received the same message. When I tried to cancel the Facebook to start over it says that the blog posts to my husbands Facebook, even though he does not write the blog. When I tried to cancel that I got an error page. Now my blog is not posting at all and my readers are confused. What is going onand how can we fix it?

Once you sell your soul to Facebook, they have you for life. No cancelling.

Is your secondary email account registered at Facebook is your husband's email address? If so, try changing your secondary email to another email address. There are times Facebook gets confused over email addresses and jumbles info most especially when it comes to log in options, blogs, posts, comments.

Try clearing cache/history then try logging into your Facebook account and delete the blog.

Hmm, once you have removed the link and then are trying to set it up again, can you confirm that on https://apps.facebook.com/travellerspoint/ you are logged in as yourself? Your profile photo should show at top right on that page, and assuming you have removed the link up on travellerspoint, the field to enter the blog domain should be blank.




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