Has anyone been to the Amazon? I'm not sure where to start. Any suggestions??
Plunk "Amazon tours" into Google and you get about a zillion hits.
i think it very much depends on what you want. are you looking for a four / five day tour type of thing? many of these are possible from many different countries.
are you looking to immerse yourself there for a month or or so? how much time do you have?
beware any tour company that "promises" you will see this animal or that animal. even though they might be called eco-tours, some of the companys leave bait out for the animals. this alters their perceptions of the threat posed by humans (which is vast). a jaguar DOES NOT WANT TO BE SEEN. the more they are baited, the more they will stray into colonised areas that are dangerous for them and eventually be killed for the fur trade.
if you want to spend a long period of time immersed in the jungle (1 month - ??? years) private message me and ill pass on some details. it is not to be taken lightly though.
I spend a week at the Pousada Uacari in the Mamiraua Sustainable Development Reserve, which is part of the hart of the Brazilian UNESCO listed part of the Amazon. As I didn't want to have the wrong experience like scuzzlebutt described above, I chose the one that seemed to give a genuine experience and as it is both UNESCO listed as well (as the name says) a sustainable development reserve (which means that basically it is mostly run by locals and income goes to locals, and preservation of the whole is the most important!) we were not disappointed!
You get there by taking a boat or flights from Manaus to Tefe and from Tefe it is about 2 hours by boat again.
We had a full week and started very early each day, then breakfast, relaxing, lunch and later during the afternoon again on the water or to a village etc. Basic but comfortable and with great food as well! The tours ranged from villages to research centres for fish and dolphins, going out in a canoe along the flooded forest (was June, high water), spending time in a hut above the water and wait for the monkeys to show up. We saw lots of birds, monkeys (howler, and the famous White Uacari!), dolphins, spiders, snakes etc etc. Amazing place!
Hey Ollie,
I looking more of a 3-5 day tour. And I am hoping to depart from either the Colombia side or Brazil. Should I wait till I reach one of these countries and book from there?
How was your experience?

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