Late 20's/early 30's Australia travellers

Hi all,

I started my big trip to Oz and NZ when I was 28 and there were loads of people my age and above. Obviously some companies, such as Oz experience, might be more geared towards the younger backpacker but these days there are more and more people travelling later on, so your age definitely won't be an issue. I'd recommend New Zealand too!

hey sazzym

im going around feb 13,and wont be long til im 27,last time i travel i thot most people were mature travelers,so no need to worry :-P

Hey Sarah,

I was so happy to read your post; we are both in the exact same position. I am 29 too and am also having a mid life crisis lol!

I thought the exact same thing that if i dont do it now i never will so I have handed my notice in at work and am off to Oz in 3 weeks time on my own; i have never been travelling on my own before so its a first for me. Have you?? I've also got a WHV.

Where are you flying out to first? I am flying out to Cairns and then plan to be in Sydney over christmas and news years.


Thanks bex, I definitely want to get over to NZ at some point. The people are lovely and I adore the accent!

Thanks also kiddo, I think it is becoming more common to go travelling later in life, I think I'll appreciate it more now than I would've at 18 anyway. Would've just been a big piss-up then! Not saying I won't have a few cocktails along the way now though...

Hi Leah, glad to have someone in the same boat! Not long to go for you now! Are you excited? I've never been travlling alone either and certainly never gone this far before!

I'm travelling out to Sydney on 26th Nov and will be staying there for Christmas and new year (very excited about new year, which is unusual for me!) Planning to hit Brisbane, Perth and Melbourne along the way but it's a very sketchy plan at the moment. Do you have a plan after Sydney? It'd be good to meet up over there if you're up for it.


I just turned 30 and my friends who were already in the 30s group, told me that "Life begins at 30" hahaha and wow were they right!

So, outta no where a week ago, I decided to look into moving to Aussie from New Zealand and start a fresh!!

Doing it alone, have no family or friends over there.... Scary but exciting at the same time!!

So.... its nice to see a few of you on here who are in the same boat as me (with age)

If your travelling to Aussie Jan/Feb 2013 and your heading to Melbourne, then feel free to contact me and we can maybe hang out, have a few drinks and go sightseeing, job hunting, house hunting together??

Good luck with everyone's travels

Hi all,

I'm in oz now. Been here for 2 weeks, but at my sisters. I'm 27 and have also been feeling anxious about the age thing but reading the post has helped me. I'm just going to enjoy myself no matter who I'm with. I also still think I'm 17!

I will be in brisbane this week and then have no plans so anyone can message me when you get to oz and we may be in the same area.

Good luck! X

Hello All,

Glad of this posting i've just turned 30 and decided life is about to start!

Turned the big 30 in May, i had already started the process by actually selling my house this was in October 2011 when I made the decision. One, which I never took lightly but just felt it was time to embark on an adventure.

My house sold this year and my Visa's in and im about to set off on my trip in 16 days and 13 hours

I am doing a career break for just over three years from work so i have a safety net but i will be out in Sydney in just a few weeks.

I am worried about getting a job, becuase I want to get a working holiday visa for another year but need to do all my regional working and everything soon as i turn 31 in May so need to get that baby applied for.

Might try and do New Zealand but obviously they don't do WHV's over 30 but there is another visa that you can go on but its through bunac so will have to see what they can help with.

I start off in Sydney im doing the ultimate oz tour first.


Good luck Foxpresident.... Im sure it will be fantastic!! Please let us know how everything goes...

I've just done a year in Oz, I got my WHV a few weeks before my 31st birthday. Quitting my job and going overseas was the best thing I ever did. Next I'm going to apply an IEP visa for New Zealand (for up to 35's) thats mentioned above. After that, who knows!

Go for it!

Late 20's/early 30's Australia travellers

Late 20's/early 30's Australia travellers

Late 20's/early 30's Australia travellers

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