I didnt think it would be so hard to find cheap weekly accommodation, Unless im looking in the wrong places!!
Anywhere in Australia is expensive.
I used the accommodation link at the top of the page and a shared room starts from £14 a night. Christmas and New year will cost a lot more.
You could check ads in local newspapers or letting/estate agents when you get there, but you may have to pay a month refundable deposit upfront if you find an apartment.
Unfortunately, Australia doesn't do super cheap hostels .
You can book up to 31 days at a time via Travellerspoint and using the same link as Cyberia mentioned I found only one property available in Melbourne in February with shared rooms - . $30/night but you don't have to pay utilities. I would say the average monthly rent in inner city Melbourne hovers around $800+ per person, plus you've got water, power, etc on top of that.
You could always just book a hostel for the first few weeks and then you may meet travellers there who are also looking to move into a cheap apartment. Best of luck!
Have you checked the flatshare section of ? Plenty of places there for cheap, or you could try their chouchsurfing section. If you want to do 3 or 4 hours of work in return for free accommodation and food you might want to try

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