I'm planning on travelling/working in Sydney and up the east coast around march time, and was wondering the best way to go about it?! And if anyone else was travelling around that time?!
Thankyou :-)
Im going to Melbourne at the start of march then going to Sydney at some point! Think im gonna get around by Bus been told its the best way
Hi michael :-)
Ohh nice, you working up there too?! Or just travelling?!
I've heard the bus way is the best too, guess that's the way to go!
You doing your own thing or you travelling with people?!
How long you out there for?!
Think the bus is called the GreyHound!
I'm getting a working visa so i could get a job if i run out of money but just going to travel really. I'm going for 3 months maybe longer just going on my own :s my first time travelling can't wait :D
You been travelling before?
You going on youre own?
Thanks I'll check it out :-)
Yeah that's my plan too, getting a years working visa so atleast it's there :-)
Sounds like your doing exactly the same as me, I'm going on my own too and first time travelling, I can't wait to get it all sorted now.....am planning on going for around 6months +
Figured getting to know a few people doing the same thing would be good lol
You booking yourself into hostels or you
Going with an organisation?!
I'll be there around the same time as well.
I'm planning on arriving late Jan and spending January and February in Melbourne.
Then I'll spend March in the Sydney area. At the end of March I'm going to start making my way up the east coast and spend about 3 weeks making my way to Cairns.
Greyhound is my fall-back plan but ideally I'd like to hire a campervan with some other travellers so I can do things on my own schedule.
Yeah it sounds like we are haha Glad there are other people doing the same thing
Was just gonna stay in Hostels i need to book my first week stay soon before i go out I haven't gone through any organisations Have you?
Have you booked youre flights?
Hi chris :-) sounds good, that's where Im heading, I haven't looked a great deal into the travelling around thing when im there as I know there's always buses etc. hiring a campervan sounds like a great idea, especially if there's a few People doing, I'm open to that! You going up on your own too then?!
Michael - Yeah making me feel loads better about it right now lol
Yeah definatly sort out something for
Your first week I'd say :-) well I've been looking at some organisations where you can meet people travelling on there own etc and they kind of start you off really then I think you can go off and do your own thing once your comfortable, then atleast there's people to move around with, but haven't decided yet :-/ not sure the best way tbh.
Haven't booked my flight yet no, planning on sorting that out some point this week! You booked a date then?!
Yes, I'm going on my own. Not going through any organizations - I've looked at the services they offer and they don't seem to warrant the price tag attached.
Are you guys going to stay at a hostel right in Sydney? I'm looking at a few in the suburbs, closer to the beach.
Oh really, would you suggest not doing that?! I guess I was thinking about it initially as a stability thing for the first week I'm there...but i could do all of it myself, just about knowing where too look.
What sort of hostels you looking into?!
Yeah that's the thought, just don't know where too look for them, near the beach sounds good, you seen any worth booking then?!

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