Looking for travel buddies , starting in SE Asia Jan or Feb 2013 for a couple of months then moving on to Oz/Fiji/NZ.
Hey Chris!
I'm planning on traveling SE Asia from the start of Feb, for about 5 months (longer than you, obviously, but starting around the same time). Do you have an itenerary down yet?
Hey Ollie , sounds good, haven't got any itinerary down yet. Just a few ideas in my head , like starting in Thailand, up to Chiang Mai , Elephant Trekking, white water rafting . Visit/chill out at some of the beaches , phi phi islands. Then other places in SE Asia , probably the standard backpacker route (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) and also Borneo. But yeah that's very very brief and no order to it yet , I need to do alot more research into it , but mainly will go with the flow
Have you any set plans yet ? Be awesome to hear your ideas!
Just had a glimpse of your other post man! It sounds awesome! And seen your from Norwich, I am too , that's cool , find me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/chrisSsphilpot
Hey Chris.
Ill be travelling SE Asia for a few months around the same time you're there, like you I've not got loads of ideas but I have a rough route.
Would be good to meet up along the way.
Ollie. That Facebook group you sent me won't load?!
That's cool mate - good to know theres at least one other person who needs a break from Norfolk lol.
I've got a detailed plan, of what i'd like to do, which I'd like to stick to as much as possible but plans can always change once I'm over there; I may find more things I enjoy doing! How long you planning to go to Oz and NZ for?
If either of you 2 need help with info/research then just let me know.
Ah cool man Same position then, Would love to hear the route you have in mind and when you thinking of starting ect.
Again add me on fb if you like and wld be easier to msg on there , the link is on the msg above

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