Hello Andy,
we did Bulgaria and Romania with my boyfriend last Easter and than part of the Balkans in the summer.
Sofia and Bucharest are ok, but there´s a lot more interesting things around. I recommend You to see Plovdiv and Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria, both have spectacular old (little to say) towns.
If You´ll have more time in Romania, try to travel around. All the area of Transylvania is very beautiful and the country in general has very varied lanscapes. As to the town to visit - Sibiu and Sighishoara impressed me a lot.
We travelled by hitchhiking - it works really well in that area, but it depends on your traveling habits if you decide to choose this way of transportation, I suppose. I do not recommend buses in Romania.
Hope it helps, if You have more questions ask
As mentioned above Sofia and Bucharest aren't really the highlights of their respective countries, you should try to also visit other places in Bulgaria and Romania.
Doing Belgrade-Sofia then Sofia-Bucharest using overnight trains is possible and, at least for Sofia-Bucharest, actually a good option.
In Bucharest see the Palace of Parliament, the Village Museum and the Old Town (the neighborhood around Lipscani street).
Do at least a day trip to Brasov in southern Transylvania (about 3 hours away by train).
[ 12-Jan-2013, at 06:41 by rmm ]
Thanks guys.
Belgrade and Bucharest are because of the flights. We've about ten days to get between them and I figured out the train option via Sofia to see that we had an initial plan before booking the flights.
A Bulgarian man we met at the Alhambra last month suggested Plovdiv too, so I'll definitely look into that.
We'd definitely like to see Transylvania but don't know how time will go. Saw day trips from Bucharest, anyone any experience of these? Or do we need to budget more of our time to do that area slowly? Wondering how to balance our time between the countries.
From Bucharest you can make a half day trip to Mogosoaia Palace (it's not actualy a palace, more like a manor house, but with a nice park) and also a half day trip to Stirbey domain (again very nice park and restaurant). But to be true, they are not that fascinating unless some event, like a festival, happens there - and for that you need to check the exact dates.
As suggested in the posts above, try to go to Brasov, spend the night there and visit the surroundinds as well (Brans Castel, Rasnov fortress, medieval churches, beautiful landscape). On the way to Brasov you can stop in Sinaia (both trains and busses stop) and visit Peles Castle - you can google pictures, it's very nice. I think you can do it on your own, wihout an organized tour.
Buses function well in Serbia, the best option is " Lasta" as means of transportation! Others, less known are not as good or comfortable.
Plovdiv is very nice, one of the oldest city in europe

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