Hey everyone
So I'm going to Asia in February and had sorted out all of my vaccines to be completed in time; it has not turned out so. My local doctor's surgery have repeatedly messed up my Hep B order and given me extremely long waits between fumbled appointments. I will have enough time for my first jab and the first booster but I will be in Thailand by the time I need he 2nd booster.
My question is: Am I able to take the booster on the plane with me and get it done at a travel clinic aboard or is this just not possible? Any help would be a God send.
No need to bring the medication with you. There are travel/medical clinics for foreigners all over Thailand. Start with this one in Bangkok:
[ 17-Jan-2013, at 05:24 by talesbackpack ]
First question, how long will you be in Asia? Second question, are you being given just the Hep B vaccine or the Twinex vaccine (Hep A & B combination)?
Regardless, you will have ~75% immunity with the 2 injections. Since your doctor's office has essentially dropped the ball on this, I suggest requesting a prescription and doctor's letter commenting on the 3rd vaccination. If you will be in Bangkok at that time - great. If not, having the prescription and letter will facilitate receiving the vaccination at another facility. Either way, having paperwork with you will be helpful.
Have you received the Hep A vaccines?
Google the tropical school of medicine... attached to the university. I know theres 1 in Liverpool.
You show up and get the jabs there and then. My brother did it to go the Phillipines. Small charge for it
Thanks for the replies,
I asked the nurse last time I saw her whether I could just finish the prescription off in Thailand but apparently it has to be the same brand as there's different kinds so taking my prescription with me seems like the only option (there's no clinics like the Liverpool one around here sadly). But to answer the Q's - i will be going for around 5 months so a rather higher possibility of catching something. And yes I had the combined Hep A and Typhoid jab about a month or so ago - this one is just the Hep B.
please see the link below also in relation to Typhoid.
I went to my local pharmacy and they were able to call Sanofi Pastuer and check my batch number over the telephone. As I had the injection during the first half of 2012.

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