Hi Everyone,
There are travel clinics all over the UK: http://www.traveldoctor.co.uk
Otherwise you can discuss it with your family doctor.
At a minimum you should have all your basic immunizations up to date ie; diphteria/tetanus/polio, measles, mumps, etc. Plus Hepatitis A & B.
For SE Asia you'll want to consider typhoid and rabies.
All of the ones I've mentioned except for rabies are covered by the NHS.
None of these are required by law to travel, so it's up to you to decide if it's worth it. Personally, I figure if you can prevent an illness while you're on the road, there's no reason not to!
[ 09-Jan-2013, at 11:03 by talesbackpack ]
Get as many as you can fella worth it in case anything happens.
Am not planning going away till August to same places as u and my doctor
Recommend I start the process ASAP as it make take up to 2/3 month until
I have all required.....so sleek to your doctor

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