I just happened to notice I have a couple of Featured Photos but did not know they had been featured.
Could a filter be added to the gallery making it easier to find featured photos?Steve
Never mind - I found the 'My featured Photo' button at the bottom of the page.
All of my photos appear in one of my blog entries & that is where the 'story' is.
I have now added some description to those two photos but I would also like to be able to link a photo to the Blog entry that it appears in.
I don't see where that Is that possible. Is it?
Could it become possible?
Hi Steve,
Good suggestions - both notifying people when they've been featured and adding a link to the blog entry. The best you can do to link up a photo to the blog entry is adding it in the photo's description. Clearly not ideal.
Detecting where photos are included in blog entries is unfortunately not quite as trivial as it should be. Photos are inserted into blog posts by their file location, and we don't have a reference table where we store which photoIDs are in which blog entries. To implement what you're talking about, this would need to be created. Mind you, it would be a very useful thing to have for more than just this purpose, so I definitely think it's something worth pursuing.
And please -- keep the feedback coming, it's all very useful!
Hi Steve,
..... The best you can do to link up a photo to the blog entry is adding it in the photo's description. Clearly not ideal.
I tried that & it works but only as a copy & paste. It would be a bit better if it were a link but still, it would not be something I would want to do one at a time on every photo I have in a blog.
Thanks for your response..
Hi Steve,
Good suggestions - both notifying people when they've been featured ....
Perhaps featured Blog owners should also be notified.
And maybe a note on the Forums page ( & elsewhere ) to tell everyone that the featured photos and Blogs have been updated - Since they last came to this page would be nice.
I would like to see the Community page have a link to 'some recently added photos' & 'newly created blogs'.
Things like that might get people moving around the site.
Also - I know there is the search button at the top but I would like to see a bit more "how to"on the community page.
E.g. - Somewhere near 'Travel blogs', a brief explanation on how to search for blogs on Ngorongoro for instance.
The same with 'Photogaphy'
Most recent photos and most recent blogs is a spam issue, because these can often be very poor quality. I don't want to drag down the quality of the Community page that way.
Blog owners who have been featured are notified at the moment. It's a manual process for now, which Kellie is doing, but in the past this was automatic and will be again in the future (with a personalised note). It works well, so I totally agree it should be extended to photos.
Good idea to notify about new featured content on the site. That could work well.

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