Hey everyone,
Hey Amber!
Im a first timer on here too, and i wanted to do the same, i've never been to OZ but i just know i'll love the outdoor adventures and party times! I was going to do an "ozintro" thing but i'm not sure at the moment, then i was just considering New zealand so il have to make my mind up within the next 2 weeks'ish, il definitely be there around Feb 2013, so i'd always be up for meeting up and exploring with you seen as you've been before!
Have you any friends/relatives over there?
Lianne x
Hey guys,
I'm looking to start my traveling in Jan 2013 - want to visit Fiji and NZ first but would be looking to go onto Oz after this. Prob spend about 2/3 weeks in each country, haven't really planned much and no bookings made yet tho!
What are your guys plans? Is it just Oz and NZ you're thinking of going to??
It's my first time traveling so would be awesome to find someone doing similar things as I am or even to meet up for a week or 2!
Chelsea x
I'm 18 and also a first time traveler, I'm going to new Zealand in January and I arrive on the 6th in auckland. I am spending a week with some family and then hopefully get a job as I've got a working holiday visa sorted. I'm not sure at the moment how long I'm going to be there for as it depends on if I can get a job... After new Zealand I am planning to go to OZ and I have also been looking at fiji! I've been really indecisive about whether to go with a company or just by myself... But it would be great to meet up with someone while I'm there
Georgia x
Heyy guys! I'm 19 and I'm doing the same thing in February of next year!
I just can't wait to get away, but at the same time am completely shitting myself about being the opposite side of the world to everyone aha.
I was going to plan my journey but really don't see the point as the chances of me sticking to my plan are pretty slim! Just Gunna get to Sydney or Melbourne, have a few weeks/ months touring then get a job and see where I end up
My main concern is how expensive Australia is! I'm terrible with money as it is and one thing I do not want happening is for me to run out of money after the first month or two haha.
Does anybody have any idea how easy it is to find a job in Australia?
And and if so, which parts?
Cheers guys x
Hey, I'm heading down under on the 7th feb and I start my ozintro on the 11th I'm a solo traveller with plans of checking out the east coast before going to explore more inland and the bush. I've got a few friends up in cairns witch hopefully be able to show me some untouched areas off the tourist track.

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