hey i havent been long in sydney. but this site. www.gumtree.com.au might help you. offers share flats and job opportunities and cars and stuff. all a backpacker could need. furthermore try to get ashareflat as fast as u can if u gonna work there. saves a whole lot of money,
kind regards, nate
I'm travelling solo to Sydney beginning of Oct (yet to book my flight at the mo)
Looking for some advice on best places to stay and see, and just some general tips
Was thinking of Oz intro though I've heard it's a bit of a waste of money?
Petrified of going it alone, so if there are other fellow travellers out there around the same time would be good to hear from yaCassie
I'm 18 and I'm doing an internship in Sydney.
I'm also worried about flying by myself from UK to OZ.
I need to be there about 11th September, does this fit in with your plans at all?
I will be heading over to Sydney Sept.14 from Canada and will be going alone. At first I couldn't wait to leave my job and head over, but now as the date is getting closer, I'm getting pretty nervous! Glad to know I'm not the only one feeling this way
I was also debating the ultimate oz intro, but decided that at that price, I could use it for a month's rent somewhere!
Gonna be staying at Wake Up hostel for the first week because everyone says that place is the best. Don't really have any plans after that, but would like to check out Stereosonic Music Festival and either buy or hire a camper van to do an east coast road trip and check out all the sites up there.
If either of those sound interesting to you, it would be great to find another travel mate to share experiences with!
Hey emotley29! That sounds amazing, I'm sure you'll have a fab time September is a little early for me as I'm aiming to get there beginning of Oct, around 8th. I am dreading the long flight alone! haha
Hey Scott Ah so so close! I know I was the same, its only now starting to hit me!
Yeah I agree, you can get so much more for your money and actually pick and choose what you wanna do.. so I have scrapped that idea also
Yeah I've heard good things about Wake Up so I think I'll book that for my first week also! Stereosonic looks amazing :D definitely want to go to a festival or two while I'm there! Both plans sound fab! Wish i was going now, though I'm sure the 2 months will fly by! lol
Hi Scott!
I'm flying out 12th sept and staying at wake up for a week with the ultimate Oz.
I've also got tickets for stereo sonic in Sydney! They're going pretty fast so I'd check it out and I'm also looking to travel the east coast so hopefully we will cross paths!
Hey Keeley!
That's awesome, we have pretty much identical plans! Hope I'll run into you during our first week at wake up and maybe we can find some other peeps to get a Stereosonic family going and adopt Cassie into it when she lands haha.
Thanks for the heads up on the tickets, definitely gotta start looking at grabbing one now.
Yeah thanks Keeley, I'm looking into buying one as we speak!
Yeah I'll be there in spirit until then! haha
No probs and yeah that will be great! Will make sure to look out for you x

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