Australia end of August 2015

Hi there,

Where to go depends basically on how long you're in Australia for, and what your interests are, but you basically have two options: Up the coast or down the coast (with the option to bypass a bit of the coast by going to Melbourne in a more-or-less straight line). Up the coast will bring you to ever more tropical climes; Sydney's weather will already have been excellent in late August, but it'll just keep getting warmer and sunnier the further north you go. It should be an excellent time of the year to see the reef. Down the coast meanwhile will allow you to experience an amazing spring. I remember being in Canberra in mid September with all the cherry trees blossoming - very, very nice.
It's all worth seeing, so you basically can't make a wrong choice. What's more important is where to hole up for the months of January and February, which is the middle of the wet season up north, but also the middle of the by-now traditional bush fire season in the south. (I'd personally recommend scooting off to New Zealand for those months.)

The nervousness will fade swiftly enough once you're there. It's totally normal to feel like that; there's just no way you can plan for trips over a certain length of time. But Australia is really quite easy to travel around in. Everyone speaks a language you understand, the culture will be mostly familiar, and the people everywhere are friendly, more than willing to help you out. Especially the people manning front desk at whichever hostel you'll stay at will be a great resource to give you pointers on where to go - don't be afraid to ask for help, and you'll be just fine.

For your first few days in Sydney, fighting off the jetlag, I recommend making your way to the Botanic Gardens and the waterfront along the harbour, and just strolling through the sunshine there, seeing people hang out on the grass, spotting the flying foxes high up in the trees, seeing the occasional sulfur-crested cockatoo majestically winging its way overhead, and realizing that you're not in Kansas anymore. It's a good feeling, that. Also take a ferry over to the zoo or to Manly, just to feel the wind in your face and get a look at the city from a different angle. Or if you're in a contemplative mood, explore the Chinese Garden of Friendship over at Darling Harbour. I personally can get endlessly lost on its winding passageways, bringing a book and sitting at its cafe with a cup of tea to gaze out over the water.

Australia end of August 2015

Australia end of August 2015

Australia end of August 2015

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