Australia late 2015 early 2016 travel buddies


Hey me and my best friend are heading out on the 18 of September and just gonna be traveling it all in between working ,. I'm gonna be looking at staying the two years and travel through Thailand and other countries on the way back home if go back home,. Always up for a chat and have a drink when u get out there 😊.

Hopefully see u out there Deanna

cool that sounds good, unfortunately i won't be able to make it out there in sept, still saving up for it but am willing to meet people out there, so keep in touch with info please, would also be good to know a few pros and cons etc when you find your feet. thanks

Also the thailand and east asia on the way back sounds like a very good idea,i like the sound of a holiday on the way back home after two years in oz, would be awesome. anyways keep in touch.

wow i am so bloody excited i can't facking wait this going to be one hell of a experience.


My second year Visa is due to expire at the end of October 2015 from which I'll head to Thailand for a few months and then come back to Aus on a 3 month holiday Visa.. I want to travel the East Coast at this point, from which the weather would be awesome!

Let me know if you're about at this point!




yeah that sounds good, am definitely up for that but not 100% sure if i'l have the money to travel thailand before i go australia, would be quite expensive ontop of having the money to cover the whv.. But it is possible. will let you know nearer the time. safe

Also how much did you take over to live on when doing your whv?.. be good to get a realistic amount to live on, have heard so many different amounts, what's a realistic amount i'd need. not including flights or whv ticket, just money to live off until i find work?

Thanks in advance.


My second year Visa is due to expire at the end of October 2015 from which I'll head to Thailand for a few months and then come back to Aus on a 3 month holiday Visa.. I want to travel the East Coast at this point, from which the weather would be awesome!

Just in case: East coast weather (at least for Brisbane and further north) will only get awesome from April/May onward. December through late March has the wet season. Also, you shouldn't need a "holiday visa" to return to Australia (which is a separate existing thing), but just a free .

Also how much did you take over to live on when doing your whv?.. be good to get a realistic amount to live on, have heard so many different amounts, what's a realistic amount i'd need. not including flights or whv ticket, just money to live off until i find work?

AUD $5000 is the absolute minimum most people end up needing, and as such is the requirement of the WHV. You can live for barely two months on that (living frugally; staying in dorm rooms in hostels, cooking your own meals, travelling by public transport). Given that it'll probably take a month for you to receive your first paycheck after having found work, that leaves you with just a month to find work. There's plenty of people who struggle with that, depending on their (lack) of skills, particularly at slow times of the year. (And we've heard some heartbreaking tales over the years here, of people who had to head home again because their money ran out before they managed to find work.)
I personally always recommend taking at least double that amount, so you have some time first to travel around and sniff out somewhere nice where you'd actually want to stay longterm to work, rather than immediately having to start looking for work.

[ 19-Jul-2015, at 08:31 by Sander ]

Are you sure Sander? As peak summer is from late December until beginning of February?? The first time I went I took around 3,800GBP which was over $7,000 I guess.. Just as an FYI for you, I was working also and had a bit of savings left and in 7 months I had spent $24,000!!!!.. Just shows you how expensive Aus is.. But also I wasn't budgeting and just enjoying myself.. To put it in to perspective like a true Brit your standard 24 pack of beer or a "slab" as they call it here is $40.00 - $60.00 minimum and you'll pay over $40.00 for a bottle of non branded spirit!.. Food is expensive too, BUT the minimum wage in Australia is awesome, dependent on what you do obviously but the minimum wage is around $18.00 per hour.

BUT, saying that I went home for 2 months and came back out to Aus with $2,000 in my account which was around 1,000GBP... I was never stepped or anything at customs.

If you have any more questions add me on Facebook more than happy to help.

Yes, I'm sure. The north of Australia has a (sub)tropical climate. Instead of the regular four seasons you know, they have just two: wet and dry. See for example . Note the precipitation days and average precipitation. (Right before the wet season tends to be more uncomfortable than at the end of it, due to very high humidity.)

Hey, I'm doing a similar thing on WHV starting in late Oct/early Nov. Hoping to find work or at least helpx/wwoof and head from Canberra to Cairns. Would be good to meet up with people with a similar budget and plans!

Australia late 2015 early 2016 travel buddies

Australia late 2015 early 2016 travel buddies

Australia late 2015 early 2016 travel buddies

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