Hey (: I'm Amy 23. Always wanted to go travelling been saving for agessss! All my friends are boring and wanting babies and houses!!! I just want to see the world first! I'm looking at going with a company but there so expensive but don't want to do it alone undecided and need to book soon!
Hi..Iam Nasa from India ...I do have tentative plans (flexi time)incase we can match seems interesting..I had been to these places except Combodiya..........Thanks
Hi. Maybe book a short tour with plans to backpack independently after that. The tour will give you a relaxed introduction to travelling life in Asia and will give instant travelling friends, some of whom you might be able to continue travelling with after the tour. If you are still looking for people after the tour, just stay at a popular guesthouse and start chatting to fellow travellers...it would not take long to find travel buddies!! All the best...book that flight!!!!
Hi Amy,
I'm currently saving at the moment - I think I will be like you, saving for ages.
All my friends are boring too! Wanting babies, houses etc. If I was you, don't go with a company, go on your own. If you're going to do it you might as well go all out!
I'm planning on travelling to China, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and then to Austalia with hopefully a years working visa.
I'm super scared! I can only imagine you are too. Hope you have an amazing trip!
Book your ticket right now, you don't need a travel buddy from your house to Bangkok and once you arrive in Thailand you'll be avalanched in hordes of nervous first time travellers the very same as you.
Do it!
Hey! I have traveled alone loads of time as a woman and it is really a lot easier and less scary than you would think. I've been living around Asia for two years and have found it to be much more safe than my home in America. Just go on your own and you will be bound to meet people and travel partners along the way. Stay in hostels, chat with other people and you will have more friends than you will know what to do with. Honestly, you will see tons of other solo female travelers and hopefully they will boost your own confidence as you travel. Just use common sense and you will be fine girl!

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