Hey I'm Amy, 23 from Chester. I'm thinking about going to South East Asia January always wanted to do it but all my friends buying houses etc so I don't want to go alone! I'm thinking of going with a company but there so expensive!!!
Hi There Amy, Im Ash 24 from Derbyshire. Ive taken a year out of uni to go traveling... So there is no time like the present! Id like to travel with someone too... South East Asia is on my list amongst others.
Hi Amy!
We seem to be in similar situations. I am 25 and looking to travel to Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and then onto Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. My friends have either already travelled or are settling down and so at the moment I am going alone!!
I am still in the planning process and saving but my plan is to leave around October next year. I realise you may have already gone by then (If you are planning to leave January) but for if any reason your travels get delayed it would be great to have a travel buddy!
Good luck with your search and have a great trip!
Please contact me when you travel to Vietnam!
Hi All,
Just finished my 2 year stint in Australia and will be hitting Asia in January 2016. I'm keen to meet up with like minded people and travel Asia for a few months and from there I will be heading to New Zealand.
Anyone made any plans as yet?
We go early jan (: travelling all around booking flights a week tomorrow ☺️☺️☺️
Hi Amygee,
I am from Bangladesh. If you interested you .can travel with me.
Hi Amy, add me on Facebook .. Ben harris.. My pic is me scuba diving
You will meet plenty. If like minded people out there, stay in hostels and enjoy
I've done some of Asia, but I'm taking a yr out of work and going round the world in Sept 2016, at the age of 32 and can't wait
Doing 4 months in se asia (indonesia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand) then oz, Nz and 4 months or so in south America
Hi amy, I'm from Philippines. I'm planning to go there also but around September or October 2016. But I think you should not be worried if you travel alone for you will meet kind and friendly travelers while exploring the places in each country according to my friend. well, enjoy your travels

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