Hey travellers,
I'm 27, living in the Rockies of BC planning to travel through SE Asia departing from BC mid-November for at least a couple months! Anyone planning a similar trip? Travel buddies would be awesome!
I have seen your post on another forum and it seems we are covering the same area at the same time.
Keen to meet up and do some exploring, I think my Facebook link is on my profile if you're keen to chat.
Hey ppl i plan to fly to bangkok around mid nov aswell. Just looking at flights. Will travel about thailand for few wks before coming home for xmas. Will b going alone also bit nerve wracking.. B good to meet some ppl cheeers
Hey Ben, I can't see your fb profile link, but we should talk since it seems like we are going to be there the same time
Jen, we should get in contact to!
Raquel Ellella is my fb, might be easier to just msg or add me on there!
Hey Raquel,
Tried to add you on Facebook but I think your profile is private.
hopefully you got my message
Add me.. Ben Harris (Currently in Melbourne) and my profile pic is me underwater in snorkeling equipment finding Nemo :D
Hey! I'm just going to throw my part in here :P But I'm going to be travelling SE Asia from Oct 26th, where I will land in Vietnam and be moving on from there. Looking at Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand,Malaysia and Indonesia. If anyone want to keep in touch sure give me a shout Be great to be meeting others while on the road..pick up few travel buds :P
All the best,
Hi Dean,
add me on facebook, would be keen to meet for a beer and maybe do some exploring.
Ben Harris
Hey Ben,
Will do lad! I'm in China at the moment and can't access facebook so it'll be next week I can add ya when I get to Hong Kong. A meet up sounds good!
All the best
Sweet, safe trip!

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