Why are my photos (portrait orientation only) looking so grainy? I've tried upping the resolution and it makes no difference. Any tips or tricks?
Curious. Not all your portrait-orientation photos have this problem. , but . The "grainyness" seems to be entirely due to JPEG-compression artifacts.
How do you rotate these photos to portrait orientation? Do you use an image edition program yourself to do this before uploading? (Or do you do any editing / resizing before uploading?) If so, that program might be using too much compression. You can generally set a "quality" to a photo when saving, usually on a range from 1-10, 1-12 or 1-100%, or with named settings like "fast" or "high". Pick a quality setting of at least 8 (9 on the scale to 12), or 80%, or "high" (definitely not "fast"). It'll still compress the photo a bit, but it shouldn't show up with such visible noise anymore.
It's theoretically possible this is happening by some bug here on the site, but given that most photos by other people don't have this problem, I think that's unlikely. Still, I did notice with very heavy artifacts, so if you say you don't do any editing/rotating before uploading, and then rotate using TP's functionality for that, then that'd bear investigating...
[ 02-Oct-2015, at 03:37 by Sander ]
Thanks for the quick reply Sander. Actually, the two of mine you linked above both look bad, and the first one is a replacement at higher res! So I will follow your advice and avoid rotating the image until uploaded.
Just for your interest, in case it becomes a TP 'thing', when I am on the road I would normally rotate via the Windows Photo Viewer, then do very light colour correction/crop/whatever and finally resize in Photoshop.
I'll replace a couple by eliminating that inital rotation and see if it improves things.
Yep - that's done the trick. Thanks again
Glad to hear it, and you're very welcome!

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