wonderlustamy has indicated that this thread is about Europe
I need help deciding this too! Ahhhhh...I have started saving though and am going to try to attempt to travel, just not sure of exact dates or places yet, but I put it off for most of my 20's and worked and was responsible and now am 32 and wish I had run off earlier. I would love to find a travel buddy though! Where are you from? Maybe we can chat and plan something!
I'm the same! I'm thinking January to Asia (: but need someone to go with as all my friends are buying houses etc! X
Haha, I hear ya. I am trying to save right now and I'm not sure how much to save honestly. I was going to plan for possibly sometime in May just so I have enough time to save up $. I would also love to go to Asia and I also really want to backpack Europe. My ultimate crazy idea is to backpack Europe via Eurail and then possibly go to Russia (fly?) and then do the Trans Siberian Railway through Russia, China, Mongolia and end up down in Thailand. I know, sounds crazy but why not? :P Maybe we can coordinate something somehow.
Hello and welcome!
Your problem here guys is that you tend to believe there is only white and black while there are all kind of colours in between to mix and mach and chose from...
You do not have to chose between sticking with everyday life and commitments and never travel OR drop and quit everything and travel for months after months. There are all kind of other approaches.
Furthermore the title of this thread suggests it is a question about solo travel, this is a different topic completely. I am not sure what you would like to discuss exactly?
If you are really keen to go now, I vote for doing it! Life only gets more complicated and more full of responsibilities and ties. At least that's what those older than me are/were always saying.
Hope that helps!

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