Hello, me and my partner are at the very very early stages of planning our travels around the USA, we are thinking of budgeting for about 3-4000$ a month? Does this sound about right? And we have been looking in to buying a car over there, everyone has said NOT to get a camper van! Is there any website or anything that anyone can suggest is best to look on or company's?! We have planned a route that goes from Miami, then over to the west coast and then travel across and end up in the newyork, we are thinking about 6-9 months would be a good amount of time to do this? I am just looking for general information and good advice of people that have already been to the states, we are in need as newbys to the travelling games!! Thanks very very much in advance!! 😊😊
Hey there! I wonder why you should not get a camper van?
If you have a costco card you can get real good deals for rental cars or check out craigslist for cars for example!
I'm going to go on an extended honeymoon starting in december! For our wedding our friends gave us one week at the -snip-. This is very cool because we can relax before we start to travel around for 4 months! Except this one week we do not have a fixed route we just want to go where we want to go at every single moment!
You can never have enough time to travel! It's nice to have the possibility to stay where you like it! So better have more time then stress yourself concerning a timetable!
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.... we are thinking about 6-9 months would be a good amount of time to do this? ....
You should check to see how long you will be allowed to stay in the USA. 6 to 9 months may be problematic. 3 months on the visa waiver scheme or 6 months on a visa seems to be the limits but do your own research or better yet, ask the USA State Department.
Most unhelpfully, the official line seems to be that there aren't fixed limits - the visa allows entry and it is the immigration official dealing with you who decides maximum duration.
As i have said before, what a way to run a country. These people really don't want tourists. How can you plan onward travel when your visa limit won't be told to you until arrival.
This is according to the us embassy in London - http://london.usembassy.gov/faq-visa-gen.html
That sounds like an awesome trip. Your route is well planned which should give you opportunities to see a lot of great sites and cities. $3,000 to $4,000 is possible if you do not stay at high end hotels. There is always the possibility to use hostels or Airbnb. Couchsurfing is also a possible choice, but you would have to set up arrangements ahead of time. Keep in mind that it is considered expensive in the USA.
The time that you are giving yourself should give you plenty of time to spend in some great locations. From what others are saying about visas, you may want to make sure that this amount of time is possible. I really do not know what is required because I am from the USA and do not need any visa. But I am not surprised by Andyf's remarks about our country's policies.
[ 28-Aug-2015, at 08:47 by robmer ]
Almost always, if you are from coming from the UK, your visa limit is 90 days on a tourist visa.

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