Mosquito Nets??

Hello, I'm going to India and SE Asia, I've never been to that part of the world before but every time I go on holiday to like Europe I get bitten soooooo bad (apart from in Ibiza for some reason). I'm always covered and they swell up regardless of itching. It's horrendous. So now I'm travelling around Asia for 7 months I'm terrified I'm going to get super bitten and it's going to ruin things for me. I have bug repellent, but I want to get a mosquito net for when I sleep, but I don't really see how that'll work in hostels and things, if there's no hook or something to attach it to the ceiling. I'm not going to be camping so I don't want one of those ones with like a whole frame. I just want it to be easily portable and keep me sane (i.e. bite free).
So basically, what do I need to look for and is it even worth it?? Would it even be better to buy one in India when I arrive? Or will that be stressful and confusing? Eurgh, not enjoying looking for this item, it's one of my last things! Please help!!!

It's not necessary to carry your own mosquito net. Many places have them. But even if they don't, you can best protect yourself by covering up, particularly at dawn and dusk; and whenever you are in the shade during daylight hours. I always travel with long-sleeve shirts that I can roll down at dawn and dusk and in shaded areas. I don't use insect repellent; but many people do. Some clothing companies, such as Ex-Officio, sell clothes impregnated with a repellent. They seem to work. To protect your head and neck, you can buy a Buff, which also has a version treated with repellent. I used it on a recent trip to West Africa (it also was useful in a sandstorm).

You will be bitten by insects. Some even bite through clothing. So carry an antihistamine to counteract the inflammation and itching. I use a generic topical steroid ointment prescribed by my doctor.

Mosquitos are crafty. If you sit on front of a fan, they will bite the area around your elbows where the air is calmer. There are more mosquitos in wet seasons than in dry.

Mosquitos also are less active in air-conditioned rooms. So if you have the A/C on in your room, it reduces the chances you will be bitten. So turn on the A/C when you enter your room.

Since you're traveling in India, make sure you talk to your doctor about taking an antimalarial. I use the generic version of Malarone, also known as atovaquone/proguanil. I've taken it for as long as 90 days at a time with no ill effects.

But malaria isn't your only concern. Dengue fever and Chikungunya are on the rise. So protect yourself.

Finally, check out this useful Web site:

Hope this helps.

I also get bitten a lot wherever there are mosquitoes, and often react badly, but I didn't take a mosquito net with me when travelling in India or SE Asia. As Bob said above, many places have them anyway, but you'd probably find that if you took your own you often wouldn't be able to find anywhere to hang it. Take precautions as Bob said, and get some 50% deet -based insect repellent; horrible stuff but it works.

The most effective protection against bites in hotel/guesthouses that I found was using a plug- in mosquito repellent - I don't think I ever got bitten when using one of those and I'd plug it in every single night. You can buy them in the UK but they will be available in Asia too - I got one of mine from a convenience store in Bangkok. They come with several refill pads which you change each time.

DEET is the most effective repellent. Ultrathon is slow release and will last the longest.

permethrin goes on your clothes and lasts up to 6 washings

[ 21-Nov-2015, at 13:01 by katzgar ]

The only thing I'd disagree with is the 50% DEET.

The amount of DEET in the repellent doesn't increase its effectiveness, it only increases the time required between applications. 35% DEET works just fine and is way easier on your clothes, plastics, etc.


The only thing I'd disagree with is the 50% DEET.

The amount of DEET in the repellent doesn't increase its effectiveness, it only increases the time required between applications. 35% DEET works just fine and is way easier on your clothes, plastics, etc.


agreed but that not an issue if you buy ultrathon

[ 21-Nov-2015, at 15:30 by katzgar ]

... agreed but that not an issue if you buy ultrathon...

Ultrathon is simply the brand name of 3M's version of their DEET based repellent.

It's just under 35% DEET so it's legal in countries like Canada.


To repeat what I said earlier the reason ultrasound is valuable and developed for the military is because it has a time release formulation good for up to 12 hours

Katzgar, don't fall for their marketing, lol. It's not magic. It used to be 50% DEET, now it's just under 35% DEET so it's legally available in more markets.


you didn't read my post did you

Mosquito Nets??

Mosquito Nets??

Mosquito Nets??

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