thailand trip for NEW YEARS

hiee everyone.. im a 24 male from pakistan.. planning on a solo trip to thailand for new years. i would love some suggestions regarding how i should plan my trip and where should i stay.. my tentative plan says that i'll reach bangkok on 24th dec .. stay for 3 nights.. leave for samui on 27th.. stay in chewang KC over water villas for 3 nights.. then i plan to go to koh phangan for full moon on 30th dec.. stay there till 2nd dec.. if i'd still have some energy to party more i'll grab a ferry or some cheap way possible to reach phuket.. where i'll stay for 2 nights and then back home on 4th 5th janruary.

for anyone who'd want to contact me email me on rana.ehmad@

Im going there solo as well i would love to join you and anyone of the members here.

Cheer up

thailand trip for NEW YEARS

thailand trip for NEW YEARS

thailand trip for NEW YEARS

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