Read the last couple of dozen pages on this thread:
Bottom line: Forget the traffic violations ever happened. Wipe them from your memory banks.
Have fun.
Read the last couple of dozen pages on this thread:
Bottom line: Forget the traffic violations ever happened. Wipe them from your memory banks.
Have fun.
I read around 25 pages, Im still a little unsure on what my option is... I see nearly all the people on there have just 'winged it' and just gone for a ESTA and was successful.
So should i wing it too? sorry that im bothering you, but im very worried on what to do!
If i can wing it and them not check anything then i will go for it.
But i do also plan to marry and immigrate over there in the coming years.. Will this bounce back on me?
Cheers, Curtis
No one can give you absolute guarantees. It's up to you to read the reasonable, rational opinions expressed and make your own decision.
I read this Terry, http://www.travellerspoint.com/forum.cfm?thread=75643
So as the british say (Ill risk it for a choci buiscuit) And hope that in the future i dont get effected thank you for the support
Hi there good thread thanks everyone.
I have been asked to travel to the US for work. I see that NZ has recently signed
"Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and combating crime"
Which seems to state that NZ/US are now sharing biometric data freely for those persons with convictions of a year or more.
I have since traveled all around south america and europe, ticked the 'no' box and although having sweaty palms on the odd occasion, never had any problem.
Does this new piece of legislation change this when travelling in the US and would it be better to follow the advice online and apply for a temporary Visa waiver? The risk of being turned down if applying does not make it an attractive option. However getting turned away at the border on a flight paid for by our associates is even less attractive!
If anyone had any knowledge of how far along this is or any experience travelling NZ to US would appreciate your comments.
I have convictions that led to a custodial sentence in 1987 for theft and burglary, i was homeles , young dum and selfish i was 17, i have since never offended and gone on to travel and study, i am now 48 and these marred years of my life are returning and haunting me, i have led a very mispent wild young life but have blossomed into a modest gent rspectful and honest.
I am keen to visit my brother in Boston USA will i be declined entry ?

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