Hi all,
I am currently waiting for my WHV also. Applied way back in April, but by the time I had had the medical and got the relevant supporting information it wasn't until July 13th that my application said "further medical results referred'. Having still not heard anything I sent an email the other day, the reply basically said that my results had been sent to the Medical officer of the commonwealth and that this can sometimes take a while and i have to be patient.
On doing some research on other boards, I have discovered that currently there is a major backlog and this can meet a 4-6wk wait for the commonwealth doctor to look over it and give an answer. It also said that they were now working through applications received from 12th July so hopefully you and I will have some good news soon.
Good luck and let me know how you get on.
I am currently waiting for my WHV also. Applied way back in April, but by the time I had had the medical and got the relevant supporting information it wasn't until July 13th that my application said "further medical results referred'. Having still not heard anything I sent an email the other day, the reply basically said that my results had been sent to the Medical officer of the commonwealth and that this can sometimes take a while and i have to be patient.
On doing some research on other boards, I have discovered that currently there is a major backlog and this can meet a 4-6wk wait for the commonwealth doctor to look over it and give an answer. It also said that they were now working through applications received from 12th July so hopefully you and I will have some good news soon.
Good luck and let me know how you get on.
APRIL oh my.
Well mine got put down as 11th July medicals refered to Australia.
Do you know which forums you found the info about 12th July? I wonder if that is just from being sent to OZ or the actual doctor has got hold of them to look at and sending info back? I hope its the former cause might be a while yet if its the latter.
Got my visa!
I rang them up this morning and inquired on time scales, said it was still to be processed but they would get that done today for me - whilst i've been asleep they have done it!
woo hoo

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