I have just posted my first travel blog using your site. It seems to be working great. Although it would be good to be able to drag and drop photos and place them wherever you want in the text.
Hi Marie,
You can use your blog however you would like. If you would like to use just one blog so your readers always know where to find your latest post, you can use to group your posts around a certain topic or location.
Alternatively, if you would like a blog for each destination, you can do that too. Just make sure to let your readers know the new blog URL when you start a new one!
Where would you like to place the photos in your blog? Are you interested in floating text around the photos? If so, you can read Sam's little . You can also edit the post entry later if you have inserted the photo in the wrong place. Just be sure to take all of the code including the opening and closing brackets: eg. [float=left]... [/float]
You can always use Show Preview to make sure the post looks how you want it to before publishing.
Hope this helps!
[ 09-Oct-2012, at 19:52 by KellieBarnes ]

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