So it seems like backpackers generally just bring along a large backpack to make traveling convenient, but I'm going to be down in Oz for likely around a year, and I'm not really a light packer! Do you think that it would be too much of a burden to bring along a couple of suitcases? I want to settle down somewhere for awhile, but I will be doing a bit of traveling. I figured if I go on any long trips I can find storage for anything unnecessary. Do other people bring suitcases with them? How are you all packing?
Hey jade last time i travelled i took one big suitcase,then when there was 4 of us we had to rope it to the top of roof lol,it is handy for the wheels but thats about it!!this time im taking a back pack:-P,but then again im a guy so i wouldnt need as much haha
Depends on how much stuff your taking really. I'm taking a berghaus mule 100. Its a big, got wheels and is fairly cheap.
Hope this helps.
When you of to oz??
I'm landing on December 5th! You?
Thanks for the advice, I might bring a suitcase and a backpack then, or just a large suitcase with a fold-up bag inside. Will have to think about it!
land on 16th november. U got any plans for when u get there??
Yeah, I am doing UltimateOz for an intro week, then staying another six nights at the WakeUp hostel. After that I'm off to Surfside on Bondi Beach for Christmas/NYE! Not sure after that, hoping to find a job and rent a place for a little while. What are your plans?
"... So it seems like backpackers generally just bring along a large backpack to make traveling convenient..."
Not true. Most really experienced backpackers get along with a 40 litre maximum backpack with lots of room left over. Dragging around a large backpack is nuts.
That said, if you're going to there for an entire year and plan on spending long periods of time in one place then I suppose you can bring whatever you want and simply arrange storage for the extra cases when you're out on the road.
Have fun.
I'm staying at Surfside around Xmas aswell
I'm going to stereosonic music festival on the 24th November, then nothing planned until
Xmas and new years. Don't know what I'm gonna do after that.
Im in a similar situation! I dont travel light! Really need to think about what I'm going to take!
I land in Sydney 7th Dec!
Oh oops, I said 5th up there, but I actually land on the 7th too! And yeah, I know I'm going to want to bring along half my closet and who knows what else, so I'm slightly concerned about dragging it all around with me! How long are you going for, Cate?

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