What equipment would you recommend for a 3-6 month trek?

I'll be giving up my business, material things and even my accommodation in 2015 so that I can travel the world, working with various charities, personal projects and generally living the life of a nomad (I'll be walking most of the way, unless transport is absolutely necessary). I'm looking for suggestions and advice on the type of gear I should consider taking with me, from the type of rucsac/backpack to clothing and other essentials like camping tools etc..

Besides the obvious - you want to walk therefore keep your backpack to the absolute minimum size/weight - I think your question is likely too sweeping for a forum like this one so I doubt you'll see many replies.

That said, your plan isn't unique or crazy - there are lots of nomads out there wandering the world and some of them have fairly articulate blogs, etc. so you can easily research long term and long distance solo budget travel.

Personally the walking thing would bore me to tears in short order - especially in countries with easy/inexpensive and extensive travel networks - but that's just me. Different strokes.

Have fun and good luck.


I just noticed the title of your post... you're planning on doing Sweden, France, India and China and possibly even Ethiopia... walking... but your time-frame is only 3 - 6 months?!?!

Lee, you really need to look at a map, buddy...

Good luck.


What equipment would you recommend for a 3-6 month trek?

What equipment would you recommend for a 3-6 month trek?

What equipment would you recommend for a 3-6 month trek?

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