Hi there
hey siobhan u'l love it!!!
i still recommend the east coast tho and surfers paradise!!
i have got a 5 day surf experience when i get to sydney too, can't wait!!!
hope its not too hard hehe!
lol like riding a bike haha (if only)
I'm flying out just before new years eve and plan to be there for all of 2013 Plans are to travel up the east coast and then find work. How long are you planning on traveling for?
im planning on going out to aus about the same time, really nerveous about going out on my own tho
I am out in Aus for a year, I can't wait.... east coast does sound like a good place to start.
Well you're not on your own, I have notice loads of people go on there own :-)
How long are you out for?
im going out for anything up to two years
was planning on going out in april but going to bring it forward i think

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