In Oz with $30 and no job! Help please!

Hello! Myself and my friend are currently in Sydney (been here almost 3 weeks) on a WHV - done all the sights and now ready for work however we've applied for around 50 jobs between us and heard nothing back! Ideally we'd like to do ANY farm work and will travel to wherever neccessary! Can anyone please help us as we are desperate and want to see all of Australia and I only have $30 left unless get into debt! We are two young British girls and will are very hard working! Any advice would be fantastic, we really dont want to go home after such a short time!

Have you signed up with agencies for office temping work? You should be able to pick up some short - term work at least which can often lead to other things. Not sure about the farm work but I would imagine you'd have to get out of Sydney for that.

I don't want to sound too harsh, but surely you must have seen this coming? You can't have started out with very much if you've used it up after 3 weeks in Sydney?

In any case, check out the for work, but be warned that farm work is VERY hard work, and certainly not for everyone.

In Oz with $30 and no job! Help please!

In Oz with $30 and no job! Help please!

In Oz with $30 and no job! Help please!

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