Travel Buddies?

Hey all,

Hey Tom,

My names Laura and i'm in New Zealand with my Boyfriend Simon. We spent the last year in Australia and didn't do the conventional hostel style living, we just rented out apartments so we missed out on meeting with other travellers. So now in New Zealand we are after meeting some people who are on similar adventures to ours who we can maybe travel with and experience some things with others rather than just ourselves.

What are your plans for New Zealand? Where do you plan to start?

Best regards,

Hey Laura

That sounds like quite a trip, hope it was as good as it sounds.

I am planning on starting off in Christchurch and working for a bit then I am planning to start moving around the country.
I am hoping to start at the beginning of December

Best regards

Travel Buddies?

Travel Buddies?

Travel Buddies?

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