Some years ago, I was in a Bangkok mall and a muslim guy who said he lived in the UK (he spoke good English) tried to borrow some money off me. About £200 equivalent.
He needed it to get access to his own money (I can't remember why now) but promised me it back as soon as he got through to home at an American Express office.
He was very friendly and I was the only white guy about.
But we were not many BTS stops from MBK which is full of white tourists, with money.
If he took the money and ran, I would not have caught him, or saw him again.
If we went to the office and he didn't get the money, what do I do?
He seemed genuine, but all con men and women do. I could not afford to possibly lose that much money so I turned him down, and he got quite upset as I walked away.
Many years ago I was short changed in Egypt. I got a single room in a hotel there then the owner wanted to move someone else in. I decided to leave but he said he had lost my passport at which point I told him if he did not find it, I would find the police. He found it. Egypt was such a turd of a country on so many levels that i would not go back there.
One of my first long haul trips, I paid for a taxi to turn up next morning, in Sri Lanka, He didn't and I lost the money.
I had a tour somewhere in Asia decades ago and the guy cut a few things out, and I never got any money back.
There used to be a guy in Penang who sold cut price perfume. All the big names. Of course he found empty bottles and filled them up with coloured water and then sealed them.
Long ago I paid for a woman in Bangkok. She just went to the front desk to ask the clerk something and that was the last I saw of her.
Tenerife has lots of Asians (Pakistanis usually) selling cameras, electronic goods, etc, etc. They make it look like you are going to get a bargain off of them but you have more chance of winning the lottery jackpot two weeks running. Every one of them is out to cheat you, and I have seen many tourists pay good money for rubbish, or just overpay by a lot when they could get the item far cheaper back home, with a guarantee too.
Lots more though I am more savvy these days, and I am very careful of pick pockets who nowadays are everywhere tourists are (having lost money to them a number of times).

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