MariaDee has indicated that this thread is about Sydney
Hi maria,
I'm in sydney now. Planning to stay here for the next 12 months. Living in bondi I stayed in wake up hostel on the first week I arrived! It was good for cleanliness and comfort but I found that a lot of the people I shared with had full time jobs and we're actually living there so didn't have the same enthusiasm I did about going out and getting drunk every other night :/. I think this was also because of the time of year though!
Hi guys i arrive in Sydney September 17th with no plans whatsoever besides wanting to go up the east coast at some point. Definitely looking at spending Xmas/New Year in Sydney though.
Return to Rio looks cool just googled it, also been looking at Harbourlife and Stereosonic they all look awesome I can't wait!
I've booked Base for my first week then Wake Up for New Year. Pleased there's plenty of other people in my position
Few people I've spoken to seem to have booked base too... Think I really need to get nye and Christmas booked seen as they get booked so early in advance!
How long you looking to stay in Sydney Jack?
It looks amazing doesn't it see I really wanna go but can't turn up on my lonesome look like a weirdo haha especially in fancy dress ?
Bet you can't wait to make the move not long for you now
Yeah I'm buzzing now sick of waiting! I haven't come across many people at Base hope there's plenty there when I arrive.
No idea to be honest. I definitely want to base myself in Sydney so thinking either a week or two there when I first arrive then do the east coast and back down in time for Xmas/NY or stay in Sydney until after New Year then start exploring. All up in the air at the minute just going to see how things pan out when I get there.
Yeah I'd book your accomodation for NY asap. I've booked Wake Up because there was so many people on here staying there at the same time so should be good
I best start booking my accommodation then, hope I manage to find something dont want to have left it too late :S
I'll be in Sydney from the end of October on a WHV - No plans whatsoever at the minute but definitely want to travel up the East Coast at some point!
First time travelling on my own so it's great to know people are in the same boat as me - relieved I won't be the only one wandering around Sydney on my own ha! Anyone that thinks they'll be around at the same time let me know, would be great to chat to people before we get out there
Hi Sarah,
I will in Sydney from mid November, in a hostel for my first week then have no immediate plans on accommodation or work as of yet.

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