Hi Sianny,
Am going to thiland etc.. on my way home however am going to sydney on the 01/11/14 and working my way up the east coast is this something you are going to be doing while in oz?
thanks el
Hi Sianny, I arrive in Sydney on 20/10/14
Amazing, I have I flight booked to cairns for the 21/11/14 so Maybe we could meet up whilst in Sydney! Travel around for a bit!
Hey have any of you thought about using them pre paid credit cards ? I'm doing the same going to Thailand first then aus but feel a bit dodgy carrying around thousands of australian dollars whilst in Thailand
Haaaa Tom, that's definitely not the best idea. You need a Caxton card (google it) or something similar. it's a prepaid card you can get money out in most places almost free. Look in to it!

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