Hi All
Hi Elliott
I arrive in Sydney on the 22/10/14 and I'm meeting up with some friends who are there already.
How long you planning on staying? Iv got a WHV so im going to look for work, iv already been to oz for 2 months at the beginning of the year, and i was so scared before i went but once i arrived i was never alone, its so easy to meet people so don't worry you'll be fine.
Hi Tiff
Thanks for getting in touch
To be honest I have no idea just know I want to work my way up to cairns thinking of doing 6months to a year, yeah I hope to get a job to maybe like a bar job are something not sure is it easy to get work once your there? Ahh brilliant tbh am I pretty out going person so hope it won't be to hard ! What did you do in the 2months?
Thanks el xx
Yeah that sounds cool. It's really easy to get a job especially bar work or farm work which is good if you want to get your second year visa.
You'll be fine then, I was really shy when I went and found it easy to talk I people so you'll have no trouble haha.
I did ultimate oz the first week which was amazing! Then spend 5 weeks travelling up the east coast in a campervan with 6 others that I met doing ultimate oz, so that was pretty awesome can't wait to go back now!!
Tiff xx
ahhh that's good was worried that it would be quite difficult to find work once over there ! yeah will look into it most deffo
i can imagine its something i shouldn’t really be warring about, I can imagine a lot off people been in the same boat.
is ultimate oz, like oz intro (are they the same thing) that sounds so good really hope i end up doing something like that, my plan was to go to sydney and work my way up.
but am thinking of going up to cairns mid November as apparently that’s the main season and then back to Sydney for xmas/new year and then work my way back up the coast maybe lol.....what’s your plans?
el xx
Yeah exactly, there's more people that travel solo so you'll definitely meet people.
I think they are different just not sure what they do differently, but with ultimate oz you do loads of activities and they sort out bank accounts, SIM cards, and jobs so for me it was well worth the money plus I met some really good friends.
Ah yeah that sounds like a good idea. Just see what happens when when your there
I have no idea what my plans are haha depends where I can find work really, I just know that I want to be in Sydney for New Years.
Tiff xx
I know its been so good to see so many people are in the same boat as me! Am checking into xbase hostel on the 07/11 so hopefully there will be loads of backpackers there is it true that there is no point in taking a sleeping bag cause you not allowed to use them?
I might do it then loads of people have recommended doing it, but I might wait until am over there until I book any of it
Haha I think that’s the best way to be honest, am hoping to get some work but want to do some traveling first
El xxx
Ah cool yeah you definitely will, and xbase hostels are normally really nice (least the ones Iv stayed in have been). Iv never heard that your not allowed to use a sleeping bag but you don't really need one, I didn't take one and neither the people that I traveled with and we never wished we had one. But completely up to you!
Yeah you can always just go to there office and arrange separate tours/trips.
Yeah I would say travel first too then when you run out of money look for work haha
Oh and just a tip I found it cheaper to do group meals for dinner rather than just buying stuff for yourself everyday, which is handy if you meet others that want to do the same!
Tiff xxx
Has been really useful reading your posts Tiff! Especially the travel before work bit as I arrive in Melbourne end of October and wondered whether to stay there and work and travel the east coast after Xmas/New years.
Think I'd more like to meet others that want to travel some of the east coast before Xmas and then head to Sydney though then think about work in the new year
I really hope I meet people that want to get a campervan too would love to do that Roxy x

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