Hey everyone!
I'm looking to travel Thailand and Asia around September/October next year and I'm just looking for some advice or if anyone is going/will be there around that time. I will be a 20 year old female when I go and I'm wondering if it is safe to go alone? Where should I start and any itineraries or routes I could roughly plan around? I want to do Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. How much money (In UK pounds) should I be taking to do so on a travellers budget. Any advice is appreciated!
That's awesome that you're planning to travel Thailand and Asia!! You will defiantely enjoy it! Some advice I could give you with regards to safety would be using common sense and always being mindful of your belongings at all times. Aside from that, I would say that you will be very safe traveling alone! I met several 20 yr old females traveling alone and not a single one felt her life was in danger. As for Itinerary ideas, most backpackers start in Bangkok, and usually head to Chiang Mai and then the southern islands. If you can, try and visit the Arawan water falls in Kanchanburi, they are amazing, and also the ancient buddhist temples of Ayutthaya! And if you're wondering whats the best way to get around Thalaind on a traveller's budget.........I suggest buses and the trains. Hope this helps, and let me know if you have anymore questions about Thailand.....or Malaysia or Singapore
Hey everyone!
I'm looking to travel Thailand and Asia around September/October next year and I'm just looking for some advice or if anyone is going/will be there around that time. I will be a 20 year old female when I go and I'm wondering if it is safe to go alone? Where should I start and any itineraries or routes I could roughly plan around? I want to do Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. How much money (In UK pounds) should I be taking to do so on a travellers budget. Any advice is appreciated!
Hello, I did the same trip going to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam from late October to late February. I'm a 22 y/o female (then 21). It is completely safe to go alone. I went to Rome for a few days after this trip, and felt more unsafe there than anywhere I went in Asia.
Everyone starts in Bangkok as it's the main place international flights go to and from in the area. One thing I would say is don't plan too much - you've said which countries you want to go to, i'd leave it at that. By all means research these places - things to do, transport, other people itineraries. I think if you research lots then you can make the most of your trip.
Only half the time would I book accommodation in advance (mostly around Xmas and other events), but only a maximum a few days before I got there. Otherwise you can just rock up to places and find somewhere (perhaps not a good idea if you get off a night bus at 6am, you don't want to be walking around when you just want to sleep). Don't book anything else in advance, there's no point, and if you want to change your plan it becomes more difficult. As you meet other people you will see where they're headed, and a lot of backpackers go to the same places.
How much money depends on how long you want to be in SEA for, how many activities and tours you think you want to do, method of travel, where you'll eat etc. It's very hard to say. You probably want at least £2500 at a minimum. The more the better, then you can be more spontaneous and possibly extend your trip if you like it.

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